Sunday, May 28, 2023

Lazy Holiday Weekend Pickups at Salvation Army

The fence is there to protect all the beat up old furniture.

My wife has been on the hunt for art and a coffee table she could fix up for last month-ish, so I have accompanied her on these outings. We have been chasing this Memorial Day sale at the Salvation Army, where each and every week the sales increase until the last week of the month, where everything is 75% off. For someone who says they are not "Seriously Collecting" anymore, I sure do find my share of stuff.

Cube of Wonderous Things

Books were slim at the 4 locations we went to, but at the first store, I did find 4 shelves of beat up sci-fi and fantasy for .25 cents each. The place was really packed with customers, so it was hard to grab this picture without someone walking by, or me looking like an asshole. Not a ton I was really looking for, but there were some standouts.

     The R.R. Martin got me a little excited, but then I saw the condition and just deflated. I have never read it, so at least I can say I have a first edition and that I read it. Naked Society is not something you see often, and the Heinlein is something I don't remember having in my collection. Picked up the Enders Game because I sold my first/first copy and all I have is some shitty modern cover edition I hate. Love the book and the original cover, so it was a no brainer. Nothing really to sell like the last post, but still a nice little haul. I will say that I have been passing up things I would normally buy in the last year or so. I have so many boxes I have not opened in years that I forgot what is in them, so there is no reason to really go crazy. If I can get 2 more book cases in my office however.. it's go-time.

Thanks for reading.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Huge Hardcover Score at Life's Treasures Thrift

Don't sleep on thrift stores, ladies and gentlemen. 

My wife woke up this morning and declared it a Garage Sale Day, and by the rules of Mother's Day weekend, you are not allowed to say no.. and I wanted to go anyways. We drove around for what seemed like an hour, and it was so hot so only saw a few sales. After a quick coffee, we decided to hit the thrift stores in our area. I've been to life's treasures only once before, and it was more of a clothing store than anything, but things had changed in the year or so since I've stopped by.

While my son went straight to the VHS tapes, I went over to the book shelves. First thing I noticed in the bins were 100's of science fiction and fantasy books, all .50 cents each and in really good shape.

Bins and bins of 80's and 90's modern fantasy and science fiction. Nothing really crazy in terms of value, but if you were looking to complete a lesser known series without hitting ebay, you could easily get that done here. A quick inspection and I only picked out four paperbacks that had a value of over $10, all Timescape novels by Pournelle. Not sure why, but Timescape is really hot right now. I was ready to leave when I decided to just give the hard covers a once over like I always do, and I never expect much to be honest. Hard covers are heavy, take up a ton of space, and the liklihood of me finding anything rare is.. well, rare.

The motherlode 

The first bookcase I looked in, you can see in the brown bookcase above in the first picture of the bins. It was 100% filled with 60, 70's and early 80's first edition and book club edition science fiction and fantasy hard covers in amazing condition. All but a few looks unread, or near mint. Two full bookcases! I asked the wife to bring me over a cart so I could unload some of the more familiar authors and see what I'm looking at. I'm nervous even writing this; I left about 100 more hard covers at the store. I right about to buy new tires for my truck, so I'm making some kind of attempt to save money, so I grabbed the 30 I thought would be the best at the moment.

What a find. It's been since I went back to the Book Rack over two years ago since I've seen some BCE and old school hard backs in the wild, but these were only $2 each, and the book rack charged low eBay pricing. BCE Books from the late 70's must be made out of different paper or something, because they always look pretty decent and the when the dust jackets are on, they are in great shape with little wear.

These all-in-one series anthonologies always peak my interest. I like boxed sets, and this has the same appeal. These are mail away first editions from 1978, have all the maps and fun of the original first editions and have unique cover art. The Boris cover Zalazny's were really awesome, shared the same cover, and I'm glad I picked them up. Overall, a great score, and I hope I can make it back soon with some more cash to pick up another haul of these books before they are gone. I secretly hope someone is reading this and heads down to Life's Treasures Thrift to pick up some books and benefits from this in some way. Even the paperbacks would be special to someone who is just starting their collection and wants to pick up a couple of boxes on the cheap.

Thanks for reading.